DiversityGlobal Shares Inspiring Work of Top 15 Champions of Diversity

Adama Ibrahim, VP Digital Transformation at Novo NordiskCreates Positive Change

Adama Ibrahim, Vice-President of Digital Transformation at Novo Nordisk, is instrumental in increasing diversity in clinical trials. She developed a Tripartite project in 2022, to increase diversity in clinical trials in Sub-Saharan African countries by developing a collaboration with a multinational pharmaceutical company, European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) and TriNetX a global real world data and evidence company. This joint initiative is important for expanding clinical research data and digital research capacity development to ultimately improve health outcomes through advancing knowledge from clinical trials. Historically, African sites were excluded from clinical trials due to lack of accessible feasibility data, so this collaborative initiative will help fill these country and site selection data gaps. Adama co-chaired Women in Innovation UK. She is recognized as a STEM role model for women and minorities.

To make positive change, Adama recognizes the many reasons people feel excluded, including the existence of glass ceilings and privilege in all forms, as well as the expression of micro-aggressions, biases, and discrimination. She equipped herself with a toolkit to help her develop and present varied solutions. Adama serves as an Ambassador and Sponsor and promotes the importance of diverse teams for successful innovation. She creates environments that nurture behaviors driving positive business outcomes.

  • Favorite Quote: If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. — African Proverb