2023 TOP 15 INFLUENTIAL WOMEN in Diversity are Guides on the DEI Journey

Bridget Hurd Levels Understanding of Inclusion and Diversity at BCBS of Michigan

Bridget Hurd is the Vice President, Inclusion and Diversity and Chief Diversity Officer at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. She has done important work in providing 150 learning sessions about different cultures, communities, generations, work styles, and perspectives to build cultural competency. Bridget strives to level an understanding of what diversity means, what inclusion looks and feels like in action, and the importance of empathy and compassion. Bridget leads the Office of Health and Health Care Disparities, where she developed a framework to advance health equity. She champions comprehensive health equity strategies, leads workstreams across the organization, builds key internal and external relationships, and provides thought leadership locally and nationally.

There are many best practices employed to drive diversity and inclusion. Bridget names a strong commitment and leadership from the President and CEO, engagement and support from the Board of Directors, active engagement of executive leadership, and the 11 employee resource networks. She develops partnerships across the organization, and she champions workplace diversity and inclusive recruitment efforts inclusive of community colleges, HBCUs, and persons with disabilities or neurodiverse.

Favorite Quote: Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson