2020 Top 10 Influential Women in Diversity Bring a Vision to Organizations

Camille Gilmore Leads Five-Year Global Diversity Strategy at Boston Scientific

Camille Chang Gilmore, the Vice President, Human Resources, Global Chief Diversity Officer, Boston Scientific Corporation, developed a five-year global diversity strategy to move the company to a sustainable and industry leadership status in the diversity space. The results include 113 percent growth in company employee resource groups chapters around the world, increase in talent pipeline diversity, development of new training programs in unconscious bias and disability awareness, and the launch of an internal inclusion toolkit. Camille also conducted life/work integration assessments in seven countries where gaps existed.

Due to her ability to create key internal and external partnerships, Camille has made health equity, community, and diversity and inclusion a business imperative. Senior leaders are fully engaged in the diversity focus and publicly set goals to increase the representation of women and people of color. Camille successfully expanded the diversity team to include community engagement, Close the Gap and supplier diversity. By bringing the groups together in a new organization, Global Inclusion & Engagement provides the best opportunity to deliver on the organization’s mission to be global champions of a diverse, inclusive employee culture and an industry leader in medical devices.

  • Favorite Quote: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou