DiversityGlobal Shares Inspiring Work of Top 15 Champions of Diversity

Celeste Warren Embeds Diversity & Inclusion Throughout Merck

Tasked with the vital mission of ensuring that DE&I is recognized as a global strategy, Celeste Warren, Vice President, Global Diversity and Inclusion Center of Excellence at Merck, engaged in extensive dialogue with global leaders to shift the perception of DE&I from being solely an American issue to a vital global imperative. Through these discussions, she gained new and diverse perspectives on the meaning of DE&I in different countries, leading to the development of a robust strategy and framework tailored to the unique needs and contexts of each region.

Celeste has overseen the development of the Employee Business Resource Groups globally, all aligned to three priorities. These priorities are (1) Talent Acquisition and Development, (2) Business Insights and Integration and (3) Corporate and Social Responsibility.

To embed DE&I principles globally, Celeste developed and implemented a holistic, multi-faceted strategy focusing on people, culture, business, and the world. She collaborates with the Global Talent Organization, uses Workforce Analytics to assess employee engagement, partners with business leaders and employees to integrate DE&I in the company’s business strategies to reach patients around the world, and looks externally for opportunities where the company can fulfill its’ responsibility to improve the world. Celeste’s motivation each day comes from a commitment to fostering a culture where all employees feel valued, empowered, and included.

  • Favorite Quote: DEI:- Definitely Earned It! — Author Unknown