DEI Champions: Unveiling the 2024 Top 15 Influential Women Shaping Global DEI

 Judy Ellis Develops DEI Diagnostic Talent Process Tool at AMS

Judy Ellis, SVP of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Advisory at AMS, stands at the forefront of innovative DEIB practices, revolutionizing talent acquisition processes. With her ground-breaking DEIB diagnostic methodology and tool, she guides organizations through a transformative journey, from sourcing to onboarding, fostering inclusivity at every step. Her approach not only reduces biases but also enhances efficiency, cultivates a sense of belonging, and elevates engagement across global enterprises.

Judy's impact goes beyond developing tools. She's a key player on the AMS DEIB Board, working with executives to make DEIB a core part of talent management strategies. She champions the advancement of women and underrepresented ethnicities into senior leadership. Judy does this by building a strong pipeline of talent through training mentors, sponsors, and participants in AMS's leadership development programs.

With a commitment to meeting individuals at their unique points in DEIB awareness, Judy champions open dialogue and communication skills that empower all stakeholders.

  • Favorite Quote: Diversity is the engine of invention. It generates creativity that enriches the world. – Justin Trudeau