DEI Champions: Unveiling the 2024 Top 15 Influential Women Shaping Global DEI

Rachel Scheel Sustains Criteo’s long-term commitment to Pay Parity and company-wide inclusive culture 

Rachel Scheel, the Senior Vice President of Global Talent Development and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Criteo, developed and launched Criteo's DEI strategy, setting visionary objectives endorsed at the CEO level. Under her leadership, Criteo announced pay parity three years ago and maintains this commitment across hiring, internal mobility, and compensation cycles. Rachel also spearheaded transformative global initiatives, navigating cultural nuances across global teams, that enhanced inclusivity in employee benefits and learning programs. These included expanded policies on leave and coverage for fertility treatments and adoption. 

Rachel's integration of DEI into Criteo’s entire talent process and her championing of a company-wide mentoring program further demonstrate her comprehensive approach to inclusion. She introduced a pioneering measure to assess inclusivity across the company culture, significantly elevating corporate DEI standards. 

She actively champions the company-wide Employee Resource Groups Program, Criteo Cares, which houses seven diverse ERGs and integrates DEI across all business functions. 

Rachel is also a formidable advocate, passionate speaker, and writer who raises awareness on the DEI topic externally.

  • Favorite Quote: I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I’m changing the things I cannot accept. – Helen Keller