2023 TOP 15 INFLUENTIAL WOMEN in Diversity are Guides on the DEI Journey

Adiat Baker Engages All Leaders in DE&I at Mintel

Adiat Baker, Global Diversity Manager at Mintel, is cultivating psychologically safe spaces for underrepresented employees in each region of operation, by developing and coordinating Employee Resource Groups. The ERGs lead educational and engaging dialogue on race and ethnicity, and work with key stakeholders to encourage gender inclusivity at the leadership and employee levels. Adiat ensures leaders and managers understand DE&I and its business impacts. Under Adiat’s leadership, 90% of people managers have completed education on topics like Becoming an Inclusive Leader and a global approach to Overcoming Racial/Ethnic Bias.

Adiat believes that leading by example and continually driving a message of a commitment to be a more inclusive workforce drives the success of DE&I. She has the support of the highest tier of leadership, including the Global CEO. A member of the Board of Directors serves as an executive sponsor of the ERGs. Adiat is engaging each manager who participated in foundational training modules to discuss their learnings, answer questions, and provide additional resources. She serves as a guide alongside them through the journey to support inclusive model behaviors.

Favorite Quote: Life is about learning as much as you can from as many people as you can, while inspiring and impacting as many lives as you can. - Adiat Baker