DEI Champions: Unveiling the 2024 Top 15 Influential Women Shaping Global DEI

Mandeep Rupra Integrates Equity, Diversity and Inclusion into Processes at Citizens Advice

Working to transform the way EDI is approached, Mandeep Rupra, Director of Equity and Culture at Citizens Advice, first framed the change needed to harness people’s commitment and then created change through action. She collaborated with colleagues to help them understand how to advance EDI in their roles and developed a year-long program to build EDI capability. Mandeep also developed various tools to support leaders in integrating EDI into operations. She is a role model for visible EDI leadership, bringing together diverse staff networks and driving change on a personal, cultural, and institutional level. She has worked tirelessly to advance race equity and trans inclusion across the organization.

Mandeep drives EDI success by taking a social justice approach to addressing equality disparities by addressing systemic disadvantages. She ensured EDI is framed as central to organizational success, developed leadership accountability, centered lived experience throughout the work, and guided the embedding of EDI across all processes. As an equity change agent, she builds coalitions to mobilize organization wide change, with humility and honesty.

  • Favorite Quote: Without community there is no liberation, only the most vulnerable and temporary armistice between an individual and her oppression. But community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that these differences do not exist. – Audre Lorde, The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House